James McMurtry
Tuesday | September 10, 2024
on StageOne
What You Need to Know
Onsale Schedule
Primo Presale  Tue 4/16 | 12PM
Classic Presale  Thu 4/18 | 12PM
Public Onsale  Fri 4/19 | 10AM
Reserved - Seated

Standard $47
$38 + $9 Convenience Fee
Member $44
$35 + $9 Convenience Fee
Fees apply to phone & internet purchases
Show Schedule
7PM  Doors
7:45PM  BettySoo
8:30PM  James McMurtry
Times subject to change
Study Up
James McMurtry's lauded storytelling consistently has turned heads for decades now. “James writes like he’s lived a lifetime,” said John Mellencamp back in 1989, when Too Long in the Wasteland hit the Billboard 200. “James McMurtry is one of my very few favorite songwriters on Earth and these days he’s working at the top of his game,” says Americana all-star Jason Isbell. “He has that rare gift of being able to make a listener laugh out loud at one line and choke up at the next. I don’t think anybody writes better lyrics.” McMurtry tours year-round and consistently throws down unparalleled powerhouse performances.
BettySoo’s vocal prowess is a thing of wonder. A world-class instrument of deft phrasing and purity, a voice that knows when to hold back and when to dive in. At her own live shows, taking a verse onstage with friends or singing harmonies in sessions with Austin’s finest, BettySoo sings with consummate loveliness and self-assurance. A voice that knows the roots of American music inside and out; coming from a most unexpected place – a diminutive Korean-American with a deceptively girl-next-door demeanor. Then the performance reels you in.